User-centred Community Engagement



The UCCE project was created on the basis by which the materials created could be shared broadly, in the hope that they could be adopted and adapted in the humanitarian community and beyond. It is on this basis that all resources can be used freely with attribution to Eclipse Experience in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you have questions or would like to know more, get in touch.

General resources

Engagement ethics checklist


Illustrations for UCCE pilot in Bolivia created by David Hallangem. These illustrations were used in heatmaps revolving around WASH, Personal Empowerment, and Menstrual Hygiene. They were extremely useful to communicate with people with neurodivergincies and those with language barriers.

Illustrations for UCCE pilots in Bangladesh, Iraq and Ethiopia were created by David Hallangen. They represent typical sanitation facilities built in humanitarian responses around the world and were used as visual stimuli in the Interactive Digital Surveys to facilitate community engagement.

Illustrations for the first UCCE pilot outside WASH implemented in Lima, Peru, were created in-house by Paula Rodriguez. They represent enrolment into a non-formal education programme, programme locations, stages of a project-based learning methodology using in the programme, and a selection of disciplines covered by the programme.

Featured research

Our work on the User-Centred Community Engagement methodology has been featured in independent research studies by Oxfam GB and ALNAP.

Bolivia 2022: POWER 4AY

The materials for the Bolivian Pilot had to be adapted to the conditions imposed but the pandemic, including curfews and remote working. For those reasons these sessions were conceived as a hybrid; a mix of presentation and field exercises. All these downloads are available in Spanish!

Peru 2020: Education Cannot Wait

The most recent guides used to support the delivery of the UCCE training, Co-Creation Sessions, the Report Output Session and the Decision-Making Session. These were developed and adapted based on learnings from the pilot in Ethiopia and with consideration of the new context and sector in which the pilot took place. Note that some names, locations and other sensitive information have been amended in the documents below.

Here you can download the Interactive Digital Surveys used in the Peru pilot: 

Ethiopia 2019: WASH

Guides used to support the delivery of the Training Session, Launch Session, Co-Creation Sessions and the Decision-Making Session:

Here you can download the Interactive Digital Surveys used in the pilot in Ethiopia which were deployed using the newly developed UCCE Digital Toolkit: 

Iraq 2018: WASH

These guides were used during the proof of concept testing of the User-Centred Community Engagement Methodology in Iraq. We learned a lot since these first two pilots, so for our most recent guides, please refer see the materials from Ethiopia and Peru pilots below.

This launch session guides supports the introduction of the community engagement to foster participation early on. 

You can download summaries of the Interactive Digital Surveys used in the pilot in Bangladesh here. For interactivity they were deployed on tablets using a third-party software.

Co-Creation Session guides and notes templates supported the implementing field staff in Bangladesh and Iraq. As the sessions differ between children and their caregivers, you can find two versions for the guides.